Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about Southlands Church. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us.


Are you a Christian church?

Absolutely! Southlands is a non-denominational church that believes in the authority of the Christian scriptures for our lives and practices. We hold to the essential orthodox Christian beliefs as best expressed in the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Evangelical Statement of Faith.

What's your leadership structure?

We believe the church belongs to Jesus and that He is the head of the church (see Colossians 1:18). Under Jesus, we practice a shared team leadership model of church government in which all of our pastors lead together, mutually submit to one another, and hold one another accountable (see Acts 14:23). We also believe every team has a leader of whom Kelly Monaghan serves as a "first among equals" for the pastoral team.


What time are your Sunday gatherings?

We meet every Sunday at 10 am and services are 90 minutes.

How should I dress?

Come as you are. Most people dress casually but dressing up is ok too!

Will I be singled out?

No. We never ask visitors to stand and be recognized, come to the front, or anything like that.
We do offer a time for folks to greet one another with a simple "hello" during our service.

Will I be pressured to give money?

No. Giving is something for those who consider Southlands their home church.
We will provide an opportunity on how you can give if you desire to do so.

What are the messages like?

We preach the Bible and point to Jesus. Sometimes this means we’ll be preaching verse by verse through a book in the Bible, and at other times we’ll go through topical message series exploring what the Bible has to say about that particular subject.

What's the music like?

Our style falls in the contemporary category. We love to sing about and to Jesus!

Kids & Youth?

Do you have a children's ministry?

Yes, we do! Southlands KIDS is for children from infants up to 6th grade.
You can read more about Southlands Kids by clicking here.

Do you have a room for mom's with little ones?

Yes! We have a “Moms Room” for nursing mothers.
There is a changing table, comfy chairs, and a TV to stream the service.

Do you have a Youth ministry?

Yes! Southlands Youth is for students from 7th-12th grade and meets every Wednesday night in our dedicated youth room from 6:30-8:30 pm.


Do you have mid-week groups?

Yes, we do! Our Community Groups meet on different evenings of the week in homes throughout the Chino Valley area. Click here to find a group.

Do you have opportunities for me to serve?

Thanks for asking! We are always looking for more volunteers to serve in a number of areas. You can find more information on volunteering or sign up to be a part of one of our serve teams by clicking here.